
2016 TCMAA Black Lake Float Fly

On Saturday, July 16, 2016, the Thurston County Miniature Aircraft Assn(TCMAA) hosted a float fly at Black Lake, Olympia, Washington. Dick Robb and I were the first to arrive and were warmly received by the locals (lots of geese). Although it was cloudy, there was no rain and there was little or no wind. Soon, others arrived and planes were in the air.

This gallery is best viewed on a PC or laptop. For this gallery, I decided to bump the image pixel size up to 1400 pixels—although you can view scaled-down images on small monitors, phones, and tablets.

I hope you enjoy these images as much as I enjoyed taking them.


2016 Float Fly at Black Lake

Renny Price



About the Images

The images were taken with a Canon Rebel T3i. For most of the images, I used a Canon 100mm macro lens. All images received simple processing in Photoshop and were saved as low-resolution JPEG images that were optimized for the Web.